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Category: iPhone

Billion Graves

Billion Graves

Billion Graves is a relatively new web site which attempts to photograph tombstones and locate them on a cemetery map using GPS codes. This is a great idea. They also plan to transcribe the stones, either by the photographer transcribing or by a volunteer coming along later and transcribing stones from photos online.Billion Graves support told me the GPS is so “other people can know the distance they are from the cemetery.” I tend to think it is more useful…

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FamViewer Genealogy App

FamViewer Genealogy App

One of the things I miss most about my Palm is having my TMG database available. I read about the [limited number of] genealogy apps for the iPod Touch and iPhone and checked each one out. A huge red flag was the limit in database size. FamViewer, the most expensive at $14.99, did not seem to have a limit and reviewers commented that it didn’t. They also commented that it was easy. I confess, due to the price [it is…

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iPod Touch as a Genealogy Tool

iPod Touch as a Genealogy Tool

For years I depended on my Palm personal digital assistant [PDA] to keep me organized and keep all my information at my fingertips. My Palm contained my entire database from The Master Genealogist, every single fact. Software changed. Palm changed. I was left without a PDA and was unsuccessful in my search for an appropriate replacement. I thought my Blackberry Smartphone would do it but it doesn’t. Recently I bought an iPod Touch. Basically it’s an iPhone without the phone…

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