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Category: software

Occupy Genealogy

Occupy Genealogy

Have we lost sight of what genealogy is all about? There is a movement to turn genealogy over to a select few with highly specialized skills. By making it a formal profession with strict requirements, testing, etc. they hope to give it credibility as well as allow the pros to make more money doing it. I don’t think the founders of the movement meant to push the rest of us out but some are advocating just that. Will it happen?…

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Slides Update

Slides Update

The slide/negative scanner came with Photo Impressions 6. I was not pleased with what I was seeing. On the advice of several people I purchased Photoshop Elements 6. I read several reviews which said the new version wasn’t a prize and also the old version was cheaper. I only wanted basic so that worked for me. The difference is incredible. Just using the basic “quick fix” option the results are so much better. Real life has gotten in the way…

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Viewing the Slides and Negatives

Viewing the Slides and Negatives

I had a wonderful day, out and about in the perfect weather. I picked up the slide and negative viewer, came home and installed it. Then I spent a couple enjoyable hours looking at slides. Ah the memories! I’ve only made a dent. I estimated I had 300 but 500 appears to be more likely. So far I’ve found some slides which I believe my college roommates would pay to have destroyed. 🙂 I’d say the device works pretty well….

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Genealogy and Vista

Genealogy and Vista

Have you updated to Windows Vista yet? I was forced to when I needed a new computer. Fortunately I have an older laptop running XP or I’d probably have jumped out the window. [It’s only about 6″ to the ground.] As it was I tore my hair out. Six months later I still prefer the old XP computer. Several programs I use daily [not genealogy programs] do not work and were expensive upgrades, Adobe Acrobat Pro being one of them….

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