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Category: tombstones

A Most Useful Stone

A Most Useful Stone

This stone is not in south Logan County but rather in Mt. Carmel Cemetery in Hillside, Cook County, Illinois. These people immigrated from southern Italy to Chicago. Anna and Leonardo Mallano married in America. Cesare and Antonia Tristano were married in Italy. They came later. Anna Marie and Cesare were siblings. It’s not an unusual story. It’s not that unusual a stone in Chicagoland. In south Logan County you very rarely see a picture on a stone. When you do…

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Symbolism in Stones

Symbolism in Stones

Mt. Pulaski Cemetery is a cemetery which spans the nearly 175 year history of the central Illinois town. WTVP, the public television station in Peoria, Illinois, recently aired a piece filmed in the cemetery discussing the symbolism of various stones. The video can be seen online at Graveyards of South Logan County

Graveyard Rabbits

Graveyard Rabbits

Graveyard Rabbits are a group of bloggers who promoting the historical importance of cemeteries and grave markers and the family history to be learned from a study of burial customs, burying grounds and tombstones. Each has a location. Mine are the cemeteries of south Logan County, Illinois, in the very heart of Illinois, where almost every one of my ancestors who has died in the last 175 years is buried. This blog will be devoted exclusively to cemetery information. For…

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Cemetery Walking

Cemetery Walking

It will be summer again [safe to say from Florida]. Are you planning a trip to a cemetery or two? Are they old cemeteries out in the middle of nowhere? Here are some things you need to consider. Know how to get there. In some counties you really can pick out a cemetery from several miles away [it is the only spot with trees] but that is not true everywhere. Don’t waste your valuable time searching for the cemetery. If…

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