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I have now been introduced to Ancestry family trees. They are extremely creative. I am pretty sure it is inappropriate to use “genealogy” and “Ancestry family trees” in the same sentence. I am amused by all the “hints” which lead to other family trees. Those trees have misinformation, creative information and no sources. They obviously copy from one another because the same errors are repeated over and over again. I am not so amused to find they have stolen and…

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Online Genealogy and Security

Online Genealogy and Security

Years ago I was opening a bank account in Chicago. She asked me for my mother’s maiden name. I must have looked at her funny because she explained it was for security. I laughed. I told her that wouldn’t work where I was from. I knew everyone’s mother’s maiden name. She said I’d be surprised at the number of people who didn’t know their own mother’s maiden name. That was long before the internet. About 25 years ago I was…

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BillionGraves Update

BillionGraves Update

IF you have an iPhone and you want to try this buying the app will save money. Yes, it is a gimmick. BillionGraves: Save a Dollar—Buy the iPhone App Now Remember, a GPS smartphone is required. iPods, iPads and Android tablets need not apply. If you try it let me know how it goes. Ancestor Hunting

Ancestor Tracking

Ancestor Tracking

Ancestors. Everyone has them. We all have about the same number of them. Why is it that some of us have found many of ours and others have found only a few? Sometimes it is where and how you were raised. I have Revolutionary War ancestors buried almost literally in the backyard where I grew up. This is not uncommon on the East Coast but I grew up in the Midwest. People came to this country and many stayed fairly…

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Genealogy Blog Finder

Genealogy Blog Finder

Genealogy Blog Finder Looking for a genealogy blog? There are too many to count but you can use the above link to 1,691 genealogy blogs [number as of the moment of writing]. At the top of the page there is a search box so you can narrow your search to fit your specific interests. Ancestor Hunting

America’s Top Ten Genealogical Repositories |

America’s Top Ten Genealogical Repositories |

America’s Top Ten Genealogical Repositories | This blog post lists the top ten best archives and libraries for genealogy. If your library participates in Interlibrary Loan it’s worth checking World Cat to see if they have your book. They assuredly do not loan every book but your librarian can determine if they will loan the one you want. Ancestor Hunting