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Month: May 2009

Presenting Dr. J

Presenting Dr. J

This isn’t about ancestors or ancestors hunting. It’s about this this very cute girl pictured with her grandpa. Here they are a few years later. She’s a junior at La Lumierie in this picture taken after Sarah’s Bat Mitzvah. [Yes, Sarah got cut out for this blog.] After spending more than 20 of her 25 years in school she is now Jenny Tristano, M.D. Shortly she begins her residency at a major Chicago hospital. Congratulations Jenny!!! Ancestor Hunting

All Your Notes, All the Time

All Your Notes, All the Time

How would you like to have all your notes with you all the time so you can’t forget something? It’s possible. I’ve been using a product called Evernote for nearly five years. About a year ago it totally changed from a program on your computer to one that is shared. I admit I was reluctant but now I can’t live without it. If you share your notebook or notebooks the notes are also on your personal space at Evernote and…

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