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Category: podcast

Genealogy Podcasts

Genealogy Podcasts

Genealogy podcasts can be useful and educational. I listen to several, some current, some no longer active, while walking. I always learn something, even from those that don’t sound all that interesting. You can listen on your computer or any music player that plays MP3 format. It’s very convenient. The problem is if you listen on your MP3 player or in your car or any other place away from your computer or desk, you can’t make notes on what is…

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iPod Touch as a Genealogy Tool

iPod Touch as a Genealogy Tool

For years I depended on my Palm personal digital assistant [PDA] to keep me organized and keep all my information at my fingertips. My Palm contained my entire database from The Master Genealogist, every single fact. Software changed. Palm changed. I was left without a PDA and was unsuccessful in my search for an appropriate replacement. I thought my Blackberry Smartphone would do it but it doesn’t. Recently I bought an iPod Touch. Basically it’s an iPhone without the phone…

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